It Isn't FAIR, Iowa State Fair that is.

It was always an adventure when we decided to go to the fair, it involved strategies and some unearned egos. First was determining the invasion point as we had vowed never to pay admission. There were a few choices, one was in the backyard of a friend who had tunneled under the fence and camouflaged it well, another would be in the trunk of a car, in those days the parking lot was inside the fair, lastly, but our favorite, was the "prison break in" over the top of the barb wired chain link fence. This involved planning, as it was frequently patrolled by security on horseback with their bib overalls, pith helmets and solid wooden canes. We always sought a place where campers or horse trailers were on the other side, this obstructed the guards vision and gave us an easy drop as we entered. Once found we stationed scouts on either side with a secret whistle to warn us of encroachment. Next we had brought along a large rubber mat to lay over the wire or in case of an underground entrance to keep the dirt off of us. All that was left was to climb the fence slip over the wire and voila we were in. In all my 74 years I have not paid to get in but my fence hopping days are long gone but I always manage to scrape up a free admission somewhere.

If you can use $1000 then you need to be listening for your opportunity to win "A GRAND in the Hand" contest on 1430 KASI. It happens 12 times a day beginning with Mel in the Morning at 6 am. Get that hours keyword and text it to 200 200 and you just might win a thousand dollars.

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