Polk County Health Dept. Drive-Up Flu Clinic Starts Monday

DES MOINES, Iowa - The Polk County Health Department is hosting a drive-up flu clinic starting Monday.

The clinic is in department's the west parking lot, and is open weekdays from 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

A health professional will go to each vehicle to give the shots, and face masks are required when shots are given..

The county health department is also hosting community flu based clinics to give the public opportunities to get their vaccine.

To speed up the process at the flu clinics, individuals can download the consent form from the Health Department web site and bring the completed consent form to the clinic. Consent forms are in both English and Spanish.

Most major insurance plans are accepted, and people are instructed to bring their insurance cards with them. The cost for regular flu shot for individuals without insurance is $25. Please wear a mask to all flu clinics. Fluzone, a flu shot specifically designed for individuals 65 years and older will be $50.

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