Yearning for Burning and Other Things

I really miss the smell of burning leaves! I realize the health hazards they cause and respect that, but I still miss it. The gathering of them in a big pile so the kids could jump in them then moving them to the burning spot (making sure the kids were out) Grabbing the Shopper as a fire starter then watching the flames grow standing with a rake and hose at the ready just in case the arsonist in you needs to become a firefighter. On cool days the warmth was welcome until youdiscovered some of that warmth on your legs was because your pant cuff was on fire and the next smell was that of Unguentine to soothe your burn. I will have to suffice with the fire pit in the back yard, unfortunately I have to wait for Chris I am not allowed to have matches and she keeps them next to the power tools I am not allowed to touch. I have noticed that she has lettered on the boxes of nails”pointy side down”. I think I’ll wear my sweat shirt she had made that says “Weed Whacker Survivor” after I took several lashes on my ankle when I bounced it off the curb. Then there was the time my eyes lit up after cutting of the cord on my electric hedge trimmers. Now I understand the bubble wrap underclothes she makes me wear. Enjoy your Monday!

Iowa State Football Coaches show starts at 6;30 pm tonight on 1430 KASI-AM.

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