The Missing Voice

Sitting on the patio last night strangely wondering how different the sounds were from so many years ago. Let's see the squirrel was teasing the dog, birds were singing, leaves were rustling and the usual traffic noises...what was missing? Kids, yep kids playing, there were none. Admittedly our neighborhood has aged and most of the kids have kids, we are treated to the occasional visit of those grandchildren and the sounds of all is right with the world. There is nothing purer than the excitement of children playing, the laughter, the screaming and teasing that children do, I truly miss it. As I looked at my watch, it was around 5 pm, I realized there was another sound missing, Mother's leaning out the back screen door yelling "It's time to eat" or "time to come in now"!  Our mother's voices determined the extent of our nightly Universe, our world was limited to the reach of her voice. Every night we were treated to the unofficial "Mom's Choir" bidding us back home and if we were out of reach there would be consequences. Now that loving voice is contained in a cell phone or quieted forever through a text.

Start your Saturday Sports fix with the 1430 KASI Cyclone Tailgate Show coming to you from the ISU Alumni Terrace. This weeks show begins at 7 am as Dave Sprau and Mel Crippen talk with their special guests to bring you everything you need to know about today's matchup between Iowa State and Akron plus other happenings in athletics. It all comes your way on 1430 KASI, andon your iHeart App.

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