Amusement Overload

Most of us seasoned citizens were treated to Amusement Parks when we were young, mine were Riverview, a major park and earlier, at a younger age, a temporary summer amusement called Kiddieland that sat near Grey's Lake on Fleur Drive. Kiddieland catered to those 10 and under while Riverview had something for all ages. As I think back from then to now what we considered thrill rides would be little entertainment as to what is running now. There are more ways to make your heart pound and fear for your life than I ever believed possible. We are flung and jolted about, shot into the air, turned upside down, splashed with water and defy gravity more than ever before. There are signs warning those with heart problems and women who are pregnant, some indicate you may want to bring a change of pants. I admit I'm a little jealous because the ups and downs and go arounds only make me want to revisit my lunch. When asked what my favorite ride is at the park I now answer the "Bench" then hold my hands in the air showing no fear.

With the heavy rains we've been getting remember your only place for local severe weather and flash flood warnings is Newstalk 1430 KASI. CURRENTLY A FLASH FLOOD WATCH FROM 1PM WEDNESDAY TO 7 AM THURSDAY!

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