Kids, what do they know? I prefer the term young adults, and they have experienced something no human being should have to, classmates killed before their very eyes and not knowing if their lives on this earth was about to end. They too have seen the mayhem that has and continues through out America with the use of assault weapons, it doesn’t take a genius. They have the wisdom and fortitude to speak out and are unwilling to forget about it until the next incident. They are letting us know that thoughts and prayers are something that follows such a tragedy along with inaction to do anything about it. They are the future and want a say in what that future is. We, as adults, have not set the example, so rather than dismiss, we should embrace the sincerity of their effort and join in ways to divert another such tragedy. If you are a legislator, keep in mind that these “kids” are only a year or two from the ballot box. If you are the NRA supported, now the target is on your back. Any adult that is upset with these young people pursuing their concerns…..GROW UP!