"SunSmart Ames" meetings scheduled

The City of Ames will use a series of public meetings to guage interest in a proposed community solar project. Electric Services Director Don Kom says "SunSmart Ames" is a way for people to invest in a sustainable energy project who may not be able, or willing, to do it in their own homes. He says participants will be direct investors to the community solar projcet by purchasing so-called "power packs" in the project.  Kom says they'll get a credit to their electricity bill equal to value the solar energy they paid to generate.  The "SunSmart Ames" meetings are Tuesday evening, 7:00, at the Ames Public Library. There will be two more meetings, at 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 25th also at the library.

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