Iowa cities work out fireworks rules

Des Moines residents can use fireworks on Independence Day--but that's it.  The Des Moines City Council Monday narrowly approved Council Member Joe Gatto's plan that allows fireworks on July 4th between 4:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. with restrictions. According to provisions approved by the council, fireworks won't be allowed in city parks, streets, sidewalks, or cemetaries. They can only be used by a property owner on thier own property, as long as that property is more than 200 yards from a hospital or senior living facility. Des Moines rules also say someone using fireworks must be over the age of 18 and be sober. 

Sioux City now has one of the most expansive fireworks ordinances in Iowa.  The city council there voted Monday for a plan that says residents can use fireworks from June 25th to July 4th and December 30th through January 1st.  The hours for using fireworks would be 1:00 p.m to 10:00 p.m. on each day except Independence Day and New Year's Eve when the time limit is expanded. 

Waterloo now has a fireworks plan on the books after action by the city council.  The council's plan approved Monday sets aside June 30th through July 4th as the days where fireworks can be legally used.  The council also outlawed fireworks in city parks.

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