How can you tell it's "Bike to Work Week? Because Iowa's Mother Nature has decided to rain or drizzle all week long. That will not deter some hearty souls, they're the same ones that have studded bike tires for the winter. I started out learning on a one speed bike, it was great until you reached Everest Street where sherpa guides would help you walk it up the hill. Next came the sophisticated English 3 speeds making the hill climbs a little easier, the 10 speeds seemed like overkill and the 25 speeds unmanageable. I have never been able to use more than 3 speeds on any bike that I owned. It's like a combination lock where left and right don't seem to matter I still can't get it open. My intentions are honorable for renewing my relationship with my bike, but not in the rain.

Ames High Baseball and Softball only a couple of weeks away on the home town station of the Little Cyclones, 1430 KASI, and on your FREE iHeart app.

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