Oh Say Can You Hear

Mark Cuban has eliminated any controversy over our National Anthem by eliminating it's playing before his Mavericks games. Perhaps I'm set in my ways or behind the times but the Anthem has been a part of all sporting events I've attended and personally I would miss it. It's a time before each sporting rivalry we stand together, hand over heart, hat in hand and pay homage to this great country we live in and the sacrifices made to keep it so. I am not ashamed or exaggerating when I say I get a lump in my throat and tear in my eye as I look around at all who are paying respect and consider what it took to get us to that moment. While I understand what Mr. Cuban is trying to accomplish I fervently hope this does not set a trend among other athletic events. May that banner yet wave and the anthem be played over the land of the free and the home of the brave.

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