They're Bulletproof

Iowa State University started classes this week amidst the concerns of whether it's really time, I must admit after some observations over the weekend it isn't. The question of masking should not exist, the University has made that plain but once they leave campus it appears a lot of people have decided masks off. It is not unusual for their to be numerous festivities of campus that are attended by a cross section of students, it's what has been done for years, but this just isn't any year, it's 2020, year of the pandemic and no one is bulletproof. Odds are many of them may not come down with the virus but may carry it to others that are more susceptible and infections will rise and with that the death count. We all want things to return to normal, we realize the economic burden placed on our Univerity's and education over all, but are we willing to pay with the cost of human lives. Although no promises of a vaccine date have been set, there are many promising cures on the horizon. I'm willing to invest a few more month's rather than roll the dice on now.

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