Some years ago a brave NFL Player by the name of Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem and was immediately labeled a traitor to his country for disrespecting the flag. It became a national furor, an insult to this country and the proud men and women who served it. Some were so enraged they were blind to what the message really was, Justice for all peoples and an end to racism and prejudice. There was no disrespect to the flag, this was the appropriate venue as the flag actually represents these values and is the all inclusive symbol of equal justice for all who live under it's shadow. Tragically, we were unable to begin the work then that might have saved us the grief and embarrassment that has brought us to where we are now. Hundreds of thousands of knees have been bent recently for the same cause Colin Kaepernick tried to draw our attention to so many years ago, he believed so strongly it cost him what might have been the best years of his career. I lost a few friends because I saw the true mission he was on and they refused to see it. The past is the past and cannot be changed but can be revisited so the same mistakes are not made again. The value of vindication has no worth except on a personal basis and often only magnifies the gross injustice that was visited upon a noble cause.
Ames High Baseball starts it's much shortened season on Monday, June 22nd against Des Moines Lincoln. Tune in to 1430 KASI with sports director Dave Sprau to catch all the action. Remember if you're out of town you can tune in to 1430kasicom or go to your FREE iHeart app.