Happy Renew Year

Should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind? A great question in this day and age of social media. Not only has this platform enabled folks to become brave and express their opinions but has also driven a wedge between many long time friends. The bond that developed between some people as been torn asunder as the subjects never breached in friendly conversation has risen to the top in online expression. It saddens me because life seems to revolve around ones politics rather than the countless other reasons that made us friends. While I encourage you to be politically active I beg that you leave room for understanding other points of view, this country was not built by those with a myopic point of view, conversation is not held with yourself it is a matter of sharing with others in decent tones. Let us not make 2020 the year of out shouting at each other and hurling insults but a year of listening, understanding and rebuilding the bridges of Democracy.

The Iowa State Men's Basketball Team returns to the hardwood tonight at Hilton Coliseum and 1430 KASI as they take on Florida A&M. Pre game begins at 5pm with tip off set for 6 on the Home Town station of the Cyclones, 1430 KASI-AM.

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