INDEPENDENT: free of outside control

Why is it so difficult for some to understand the concept of a person to be registered as an Independent. Perhaps because they have been tethered to other parties so long they feel it's unamerican to have individual thoughts and opinions. I find it amusing that some will even accuse me of being Socialist or even Communist because I refuse to align myself with either party. I guess some people need to feel a part "of" so much that they willingly give up the free thinking aspect of their life. We were created imperfect so assuming political parties are made up of imperfect people what ever would give one the idea they were perfect? Life is many times a matter of compromise, our Nation was founded by people with a myriad of ideas who found ways to compromise and effect the Constitution, the supreme law of the land and even it was not perfect. The inability of our present parties to reach compromise and deliver what's best for all Americans is a travesty. They no longer represent the will of the people but the selfish wants of political supremacy. I am a proud Independent who votes his conscience, and has always voted for the individual and what they represent, without regard to their political affiliation. Nothing is perfect, especially the constantly bickering, non compromising parties in Washington.

We are the Hometown station of the Cyclones! Join us this Saturday as Iowa State battles TCU in another Big 12 contest. Our pre game coverage begins at 7 am with the Cyclone Tailgate Show on the terrace of the Alumni Center overlooking the 100's of tailgates before the game. It is the essential pregame to the Network pregame which begins at 9 with the kick off at 11 am. You'll find it all on 1430 KASI-AM.

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