Everybody Out of the "Pool"

As we get older we find that certain physical restraints may prevent us from demonstrating our previous skills in certain sporting activities. I no longer win "longest drive" competitions, Bull riding, weight lifting and sharp shooting, only one of which I actually participated in others were mere fantasies. Recently I rediscovered that there may be one sport I may be able to regain my reputation in. In high school my job was to run a family billiard center called "The Rack". When not at the counter I was on the tables honing my skills. I was privileged to get my hind end beat by some of the best shooters in the area. Along with learning a lot of humility, these skilled athletes were willing to teach this "punk" a lot of the skills they used. The first I had down, verbal harassment, the second was stroke then came english and last was the ability to schill people until a wager hit the line. Eventually this became a lucrative sideline and I was able to supplement my modest income. After 35 years of casual play, my son has challenged me to bring out my old cue and hit the felt. He has noticed me eyeballing the "now generation" of younger players aching to challenge but realizing I have a ways to go in redevelopment of my previous skills, the biggest challenge are these damn bifocals. I may never get there but I'm going to have a lot of fun trying...look out, the "Bullet" is back!

The Iowa State Coaches Show can be heard every Monday Night at 6:30 pm on the Cyclones Hometown Station, 1430 KASI-AM.

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