In a Word

Chris had already left for work when I got up, it's funny how little things in life bug you. Normally just before she leaves the house at 6am she yells "Good bye, love ya, see you tonight" this morning was silent. I got up to see if she was still around, no she had left to "Serve and Protect". As usual the coffee was brewed so I poured a cup and pondered the quiet exit. Juice was next on the list, as I approached Robo Fridge up popped the word of the day on it's screen "Curmudgeon", coincidence, or possibly a message from the world of leafy greens. I began reviewing my actions of the day before, had I done something to raise the ire of my fellow earthlings but more importantly the love of my life. No, I had once again executed an example of being a perfect gentleman in my modest way. I once again sat down to ponder what had caused the morning rebuke. The front door suddenly swung open and there stood my angel of law enforcement "Oh you're up, I left quietly this morning knowing how little sleep you'd gotten over the past few days". Mystery solved, before she left again "I love ya, see you tonight" had returned to her vocabulary reassuring this old "Curmudgeon" that Robo Fridge was a jerk! As Chris closed the door and rode out of sight her last words were " Take it easy today, don't go outside. It's hotter than the hinges on the gates of HELL!", Gotta love that woman...and I do! Have a great Sunday!

Ames High Little Cyclones head to the Diamond to take on the Johnston Dragons in a double header this Tuesday on 1430 KASI. Pre game at$;45 pm Bat to ball at 5 pm.

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