Nobleness at it's Best!

Shades of childhood, my birthday wife, struggling with 50 today, had noticed my little fishing boat had slipped off it's resting place and had taken on water from the last few deluges. she suggested we go out and empty what was becoming an all inclusive resort for mosquitoes. As we lifted the trailer tongue to drain the boat I suggested we place it back on the rail it rested on when the cry of "BEE'S!!!" tore from my wifes anaphylactic throat, alas she was on the run from the attacking swarm. I nobly placed myself between her and a trip to the emergency room and took several stings before beating a quick retreat. As I entered the house my wife approached with my " Excalibur" of revenge, bee and wasp spray. Seeing that the noble warriors had settled back and were quaffing whatever alcoholic tankard of victory juice they drink and throwing rude remarks at the queen, I stealthily snuck up and blasted their little village with "Ye crap load of spray" Let me end this tale of sacrifice and bravery with a confession of blind ignorance, it was a pipe and immediately the second battalion of troops flew out of the other end out flanking me. We now have decided to head to birthday dinner until things settle and I can plan my strategy for yon morn.

Only 3 Ames Municipal Band Concerts left this season and we'll be broadcasting them live each Thursday Night at 8 pm on 1430 KASI,, and on your iHeart app. If you miss Thursdays concert please join us for an encore performance Sundays at 9 am at those same locations.

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