Council to look at rental occupancy, Healthy Life Center

The Ames City Council will consider a pair of weighty agenda items as it meets Tuesday for the first time in April. At-large council member Bronwyn Beatty-Hansen, who will run the meeting in Mayor John Haila's absence, says they'll likely direct staff to draft a measure limiting rental housing occupancy to 25 percent in neighborhoods close to the Iowa State Campus.  It's part of a revamped rental housing code forced by a change in state law that says the city can no longer limit occuapncy to no more than three unrelated people. Beatty-Hansen says the council will also get an update on a proposed Healthy Life Center, including a request from city staff on whether or not to continue moving forward with the project.  She says they'll also consider guidelines for naming opporunities based on the amount of money donated to the center. Tuesday night's meeting in City Hall starts at 6:00.

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